January 27, 2012

Asher - 4 months

I'm so lucky that my owning Blush Paperie allows me to have so much flexibility. It seems that most Fridays are slower than the rest of the week. And this is a good thing because it allows me more time to hang out with my sweet Asher. I thought it would be fun to give a little snippet of our lives on Fridays.
Last Sunday, he turned 4 months! Where has the time gone!!?? And every month I truly do feel like it just keeps getting better. He is rolling over now and cackling with laughter. He is so much fun and just soooo sweet!

Asher looks JUST like my husband. I mean, really, it's crazy. So I dress him like a mini Mat a lot! haha!

Doesn't it look like his eyes are saying: Hey Lady! Do you notice the big dog beside me? Get me outta here!

Hope you all having a wonderful Friday & that you have a fun weekend! :)