February 12, 2018

Boy Classroom Valentine's Day Cards

The last few years, I've had a ton of fun creating Valentine's Day Cards for my son to bring to school.

One of my favorite's is from a few years back. 
I created a plaid card with customized messages to his school mates and tied a plastic dinosaur figuring with twine to the card. These were super labor intensive. Now they sell DIY kits from Target that would probably save a few hours. 

When he was 2, I had custom pirate cookies made and attached personal pirate notes to all his buddies. 

When my son began his Star Wars obsession, I decided a lego Star Wars Valentine was the way to go.
I photoshopped his {adorable} head on the lego Star Wars dude and attached little glow sticks as light sabers. 

His current obsession is big, ugly, scary fish. Since that would make a horrible Valentine's card, I used adorable watercolor fish with word play on a school of fish. Win win.
For these, we taped tiny, individual bags of swedish fish to the back of the card. 

I love being a boy mom and finding fun ways to be creative with his of the moment obsession.
And the fact that I don't have to deal with glitter... #hooray