May 9, 2013


Heel Tastic Review...
For someone who basically lives in flip flops, this is a MUST.
Put it on my feet last night and woke up with my heels looking like they were freshly pedicured.
Thank you to my fabulous friend a few doors down for turning me onto this product!
For all of you... run to your local CVS and pick some up. $10. Miracle!!!

The year was 2002. I was visiting a friend from college who had moved to Puerto Rico. I see her. Her curly hair is straight. STRAIGHT. What?? Looks gorgeous. She dries my hair with it. Straight. Oh so pretty. I never, never splurge like this (obviously, I've been pining over this hair dryer since 2002 people!). So, I've splurged. I'm hooked. Yes, it is SUPER heavy. But I carry a 30 pound toddler around. My hair is happy today and so am I :)

Tell me.... what are your latest or most favorite finds??